How was your summer? Mine was good but bad. I am going to tell you about the bad thing because it means the most to me! The bad thing is that my aunt (Helen Henifer) got diagnosed with lung cancer in September. The adults got told in September but the kids got told a day or two after Christmas. It was a terrible late Christmas present! Ok so now every body knew about her having cancer. I would say about a week or two later she went to the hospital and boy did we think that it was her time to pass. But, thankfully it wasn’t it was just that the lung cancer had spread to her back. This put her in more pain. Let me remind you that she did not want to fight because she had fought ammonia twice and some other bad sickness and she was tired of fighting. Which my family understood, so then she started to look real bad and did not want anyone to see what she looked like. Then she stayed in her house for about two months. Then on August 18, 2010 she took a breathing treatment then she layed down and never woke up! We all know what that means. August 18 is a very special day to me. Here is my saying: cherish your moments with family and friends!